bad behaviors, they always use addiction or abuse as an excuse? In Tiger's Woods situation, is he a sex addict or opportunist? Actually I don't care that he cheated on his wife. Just don't tell the world that you did it because you're a sex addict. I truly think that Tiger Woods just plain cheated on his wife because he could, and he did it as often as possible until his wife busted him upside the head with a nine iron.
What about Mel Gibson? He was arrested for drunk driving and then he proceeded to use racial slangs while practically falling out of his car. And what his excuse? "I'm an alcoholic". Racist, drunk or both. I don't really care.
So now they all go into rehab to clean up their images and all will be great with the world again.
Tiger Woods will recover from this and in a year from now, he will be back on top of the world with his forgiving wife, beautiful children, the sponsors and the media at this feet.
The world will be his oyster.
So now they all go into rehab to clean up their images and all will be great with the world again.

The world will be his oyster.
Ask Mel Gibson. Beside the whole drunken tirade bit, he later cheated on his wife (married over 20 yrs w/adult children) and had a child out of wedlock (after he claimed that he's a devout Catholic). But his image is fine.
I'm not sure what lessons this teaches the world...but I know this certainly encourages me not to let Hollywood or any athlete become my children's role model. That's my job!
I'm not sure what lessons this teaches the world...but I know this certainly encourages me not to let Hollywood or any athlete become my children's role model. That's my job!
".. until his wife busted him upside the head with a nine iron." Can I get an AMEN!
Most people do things because they can... and think that they can get away with it. I'm with you, parents should be role models for how and how NOT to act. People are just human and should not be exhauled for being any thing less then that.
But you have to admit... the Tiger Woods thing is still pretty darn funny!
I agree the whole thing is pretty funny...especially during his new conference when he said that she didn't hit him...yeah, right!
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