So today I was thinking about religion and how our world is filled with many, many religions and other various forms of worship. I think as human beings, we need religion or at least need to worship because it helps us make sense of our world, our existence. But now I wonder, does our world really make sense? Has religion really answered our most fundamental questions? In short, I that think over the millennia, religion has made sense to most people. It helps us makes sense of our world, our existence and in our everyday lives.
Then I remembered a few years ago, I was watching a TV special that asked the question, "Does Heaven and Hell really exist?" Now before I go any further with this observation, I'm not debating or questioning anyone's religious choices or beliefs. And I'm not debating about whose religion is right or wrong. I'm just speaking about the responses from today's major religious leaders, which I found to be interesting but not surprising.
That being said, in this documentary, the questions about the existence of Heaven and Hell was posed to the all the major religious clerics or leaders, which ranged from Judiasm, Islamic to television Evanglists. And it was very interesting because all their answers were fundamentally the same, the message was the same and the passion was just as strong (I think it's how we choose to worship, is what makes us different). Now as far as worship, all the answers varied and they all believed in one way or another that our actions in this life will affect our afterlife (albeit Heaven or Hell). Their answers were incredibly intense, powerful and undoubtly sincere. I was really moved by their responses.

What I took from his response, is that our Heaven and Hell is what we make our of lives now. Although attaining enlightenment is very important to Buddhists, I think I got the gist of what he was saying. While watching the documentary, tt was incredible to see him interact with people and other religious clerics. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to become a Buddhist, but I have to admit that his enlighten response to an age old (and very controversial) question definately made me think about how to enjoy and embrace my life in the here and now. And who knows, if there's an afterlife, I hope I'm on the side of God. :0)
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