Today, I'm going to write about something extremely personal. Something that I don't share with the world....but now I'm going to put my feelings out there.
Right now, at this moment, I'm incredibly sad.
I'm really sad because I miss my girls. I miss my best friend, my girlfriends, my sister and my mom. As girls, we were close and shared one common thread of being a hodgepodge of different backgrounds and personalities. It was that hodepodge that got us all through high school in one piece.
As young ladies, we began to explore our individuality, our lives and yet, we come together to share our experiences. As women, we grew up, most of us seperated, went away to school, some of us got married, had children or just moved away.
We tried to get together to share our experiences, but the demands of our everyday lives, leaves little for us to get together and share our experiences. I also think that because we've been away so long...that we don't know each other anymore, so we tend to feel like strangers amongst each other.
Tonight as I sit here, I wonder what is everyone doing? How is everyone doing? How are your children and your families? I want to see you face to face and talk with you. Now I know could call, email, facebook, tweet, leave countless voicemails, whatever...
But what happened to getting together and visiting with each other?
I miss my best friend completely. I miss our friendship and our bond. We shared so much in the past and in the present. You know me better than anyone on the whole world. But we don't see each other, we don't visit...we don't share our lives... I
miss you.
I miss all my dear friends from school. I know that you guys are doing well. But I wish we could get together more often and share our experiences. But we we all live cities and states apart.
I understand that because of family obligations, careers, time and money that getting together is difficult. However, we should try to make an effort to get together. I really miss you guys.
I miss my mom and sister....enough said....