Sometimes, I think back to the days when he was my little boy. Brendan was a great baby and a good kid. Now he's a independent preteen with a good heart. I'm just hoping that we all get through the teenage years in one piece and he grows into a good successful man.
In the meanwhile, I'm going to be there for him through thick and thin. I'm going to support him through the ups and downs. I'm going to love him through the next six years and beyond. I love you Brendan Anthony! Here's to the seventh grade bae-bae!!
Loves me some BaeBae... And i love the little man he's growing up to become! He has a great heart because you taught him compassion, he's independent because you didn’t coddle him and allowed him to explore! Remember when he would climb all over the house! Over the bumps and bruises, you allowed Brendan to be himself - with in parental boundaries, of course. You should be proud, you did a great job and although he’s starting to go into the grey “loosing you teenage mind” years, he’s going to emerge successful productive contributing member of society… we’ll help you through it, it take a village!
I agree 100% with sharon. Brendan is the child he is today because of who you are and you are raising Aidan the same way. I am so proud to call both of them my nephews! Keep up the good work!
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